Blog: My Goal in Life, and as an artist ... — Al Lachman

My goal in life, and as an artist ...

My goal in life, and as an artist, has been to create something that would enhance the lives of others. Something that would give them joy and pride of ownership. And by doing this, my own life's journey would be fulfilled. What goes around, comes around. I paint every day in this pursuit, not because I have to, but because I want to...I love what I do, and it completes me in the realization that my paintings bring joy to others.

While Lachman Gallery was temporarily closed for several months as much of the world was, it actually became a positive in the sense that I have been able to create an entire new body of work in my studio. But now it feels good to be back in the gallery... talking to people, feeling their renewed energy and thereby stimulating my own.

And with most of us spending more time at home, we are seeing a pent up demand in wanting a fresh new look with new artwork that makes us feel good and happy. We are here for you! Whether it's one painting or a house full, we can help you. We can come to your home with paintings that you have selected from our gallery. We are open 7 days now and by private appointment.

So...what inspires YOU?

*Originally written September 11, 2020

Abstract painting of boats by artist, Al Lachman

Abstract painting of boats by artist, Al Lachman